Women in Suits

The sensuality of color and suiting remains questionable – in the professional realm anyway via Tumblr http://better-suits.tumblr.com/post/58486382069/the-sensuality-of-color-and-suiting-remains

We’re Moving! Please Follow ^_^

We’re Moving! Please Follow ^_^

Due to WordPress’s nature, we changed our name so now we have changed our URL as well. Meaning we have 0 followers all over again (oh no…)!

We’re getting a real website; watch out for that on http://www.vidador.com. But as of tomorrow, we will only post new content on http://lavidador.wordpress.com. So get on there and follow! I’d love to see all 50 of you back on there! Can’t wait ^_^

Suit Care

Take care of your suit! Is it currently stuffed in closet or crammed into luggage? Take it out; show some respect! Love your suit tonight and it will love you more tomorrow morning when you want to wear it ladies.

Here is some much needed advice from Australian Tailor.com on how to keep your suit looking fresh for longer:

Your suit is unique, tailored to your measures and therefore needs your particular attention. 

First tip, empty your pockets before storing your suit. Never leave anything in them if not necessary. Opt for a hanger instead of the back of the chair. Keep one in your car. Preferably don’t drive with your jacket on or if you cannot take off your jacket while driving, just unbutton it.

Please don’t [sit] on it.

Same rule when you sit anywhere else.

Also just before sitting, pulling your pants up at the thigh just a little will avoid stretching the fabric too much.



Even if you are not wearing it everyday or often, your suit requires to be dry cleaned at least once a season. Choose a reputable dry cleaner and clean when it is really necessary. Sometimes a pressing or a steaming will do fine so don’t opt for dry cleaning systematically. If stained, do not wait any longer and spot clean rapidly.



Especially Wool needs air but generally all suits will need to breathe after wearing them. Avoid sunny or humid spots of course. When you hang them, choose wooden hangers giving your suit the perfect shape.

Also give them space. Leave a couple of centimeters between suits and other clothing you want to store together. You can opt for a breathable garment bag while hanged.



Use a firm bristled brush and brush your suit before wearing it and before storing it. If you are not wearing your suit for a couple of weeks, take a few minutes and brush it.



You wore your suit today? You traveled with your suit in a bag? Your new suit just arrived in a parcel? Rest your suit for three days. It will help to shed wrinkles and your suit will be able to regain its initial shape. This little tip will also help you to keep your suit like new much longer and will avoid you frequent dry cleaning.

Now this picture is gorgeous. I really like how this suit is very well tailored to the model’s body. She looks very comfortable in it and it looks very sleek and collected. Even though it’s kind of looks like it could lend to a masculine look and actually does a very good job of looking relatively feminine and simply beautiful.

Now this picture is gorgeous. I really like how this suit is very well tailored to the model’s body. She looks very comfortable in it and it looks very sleek and collected. Even though it’s kind of looks like it could lend to a masculine look and actually does a very good job of looking relatively feminine and simply beautiful.

This is like an old time London look. I really like how the skirt blows and also how the blazer kind of frames her body without it taking away from the femininity of her. The designs on the skirt and on the blouse are also quite exquisite.

This is like an old time London look. I really like how the skirt blows and also how the blazer kind of frames her body without it taking away from the femininity of her. The designs on the skirt and on the blouse are also quite exquisite.

What really stands out to me about this picture is the blouse. The ruffles and how beautiful and casual they are while also dressing her up in a suit is incredible. I think it is really important for women, especially young women, to continue use beautiful blouses in place of button down shirts. I also like the lapel on this blazer. It does not interfere with the blouse and it is rounded and extends to the bottom of the blazer which I think makes for a lovely design.

What really stands out to me about this picture is the blouse. The ruffles and how beautiful and casual they are while also dressing her up in a suit is incredible. I think it is really important for women, especially young women, to continue use beautiful blouses in place of button down shirts. I also like the lapel on this blazer. It does not interfere with the blouse and it is rounded and extends to the bottom of the blazer which I think makes for a lovely design.