#6 – Power Women

Sheryl Sandberg.

  • COO of Facebook Inc

For the next week or so, we’ll be taking a look at what some of the most influential women of our age are wearing. It may not be the suit as you know it, (often times it isn’t!) but maybe it’ll teach us all a lesson about what it means to look professional and how we can alter the suit to fit us better.

These 6 pictures are what I felt most captured Sheryl’s “look” and professional image. As we can see, there’s a sharp contrast between the essence she gives off in a suit versus when she’s in a dress. In both, she’s portrayed as powerful and successful. But in a dress, there is an unapologetically feminine aurora that surrounds her. Now, she has a great body and it takes a lot of confidence about one’s shape and contours to wear the dresses that she does. You also have to be aware of your body type because if you have a larger bust or waist, it may no longer look as flattering or professional as it does on her. But I think what we can take away from Sheryl is that colors are fantastic and that dresses are fantastic. She looks her best when she combines those two and doesn’t feel a need to sacrifice those elements in order to look “suited up.”

So our future line would have to include true color beyond whites, blacks and blues and it’d definitely have to include versatile, sleek dresses.